We Are...
- A group of believers who are determined to make the Glorious Church at the end of our pilgrimage on earth.
- A group of Christians who is all out to develop our character and love for God and humanity using the word of God as a measuring tape.
- A set of believers that strive to empower others to be all that Christ has made them to be through teaching and preaching of God’s undiluted words.
- A Christian body committed to the last commission of “go ye” until the good news of Christ is preached in all nations of the world.
- Christians who focus on the total man. Equipping all to enjoy a purposeful live, a blissful family, a fulfilling ministry, succeeding in business and finances.
- A group of believers who make efforts to equip men and women through progressive study of the words of God and relevant materials thereby empowering all to be ambassadors of Christ in all areas of life.